I do both traditional as well as industrial upholstery. Depending on the state of the furniture I do complete makeovers as well as small reupholstery jobs.
In the gallery you can find examples of
reupholstered pieces. On Soffans socialmedia:
FACEBOOK pages you can see pictures of the most recent works.
Boatseats and matrasses
Public places
Before and after
Soffan- This is us
Soffan is located in Kauniainen and have clients from all over the Helsinki- and Uusimaa region.
Soffan offers its services to both private persons as well as companies. Even bigger projects are handled without any problems!
I have many years experience in re-webbing and reupholstering Artek furniture. I sew designcushions, loose covers and bedspreads. You can also order curtains and curtainrods with exact measurements and I also construct and upholster headboards and reupholster seats and matrasses for your boat.
We make your furniture better than new- we make it unique!

About us
Soffan was founded due to a genuine interest in the possibility to create unique usable focalpoints in interior design as well as a due to an interest in the workmanship and skills needed to master the craft.
By caring for and repairing our furniture, in stead of buying new, we can all participate in a cirular economy.
Soffan was founded in 2012 and I did my Mastersdegree in Upholstery 2017. In 2018 Soffan verhoomo was awarded “ Entrepreneur of the year” in Kauniainen.
Why choose us?
I continuously strive to learn new skills to be able to help my customers in the best way possible!
“With a lot of skill, a bit of will power and patience most things can be accomplished!”
We would love to hear from you
Please drop us an email at info@soffan.fi and I will get back to you as soon as possible!